Sonic Allotments at SAW21

I presented the Sonic Allotments sound pieces as an outdoor installation in the centre of Middlesbrough that the general public could encounter during Sonic Arts Week, July 2022. I was at the installation for the full week - and the project took on a new life through all the different conversations an sharing that happened spontaneously with participants, audience members and passers-by of all ages and backgrounds.  Somewhat spontaneously, the gong also became a feature of the installation and turned out to be a brilliant catalyst for conversation, storytelling and participative sound-making. 

I invited local musicians to give daily lunchtime concert's on site. By the end of the week several hundred people had listened to the sound pieces.

Sonic Arts Week and Sonic Allotments were supported by Middlesborough Council Community Funds and the Arts Council of England.


We Make Sound


Sound Field, Cheeseburn